Michelle Cullen and the faculty members at the University of Calgary School of Nursing have been making great use of Turk Talk for teaching and assessing therapeutic communication. An article has just been published that summarizes the work so far:
Turk Talk: human-machine hybrid virtual scenarios for professional education
Cullen M, Sharma N, Topps D, Turk Talk: human-machine hybrid virtual scenarios for professional education, MedEdPublish, 2018, 7, [4], 45, doi:https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2018.0000266.1

Logical pathways in a Turk Talk map
In the article, they describe how they have been able to scale up this approach, its practical applications and utility, and the potential cost savings compared to using standardized patients.
If you are interested in exploring the Turk Talk approach further, please contact us.