Embedding OpenLabyrinth content in courses and web sites

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    OpenLabyrinth is very powerful as a platform for authoring and delivering virtual scenarios, cases, content and decision pathways. But you can also embed OpenLabyrinth content in other courses and web sites in a number of different ways.

    The simplest method is to just include a hyperlink to the Play button for the case in your document eg. http://vp.openlabyrinth.ca/renderLabyrinth/index/5

    You can also link directly to Scenarios, Collections or even individual Nodes in OpenLabyrinth.

    A slightly more complex method is to embed your OpenLabyrinth content within the course or web site page. OpenLabyrinth is not fussy in this regard – you can easily embed open cases in an iFrame or link. This is mostly determined by the software that you are trying to embed into.

    There is a nice set of widgets from H5P.org that you can use within your web site. Their iFrame embedder makes it easier to embed content from OpenLabyrinth.

    Now sometimes, you want a greater degree of control over who has access to your content. You can still use the above methods but if you close off the access to your OpenLabyrinth content to only certain user groups, this can then lead to the hassles of having two different sets of passwords: one for you web site or course, and one for OpenLabyrinth.

    As a solution to this, you establish an IMS-LTI connection between your LMS course and OpenLabyrinth. This is quite a bit more fiddly to do but it then means that you can have single-sign-on across these applications, and yet control who can see your OpenLabyrinth content within your course. For more information on how to set up LTI access across learning tools, see this forum thread: http://openlabyrinth.ca/forums/topic/setting-up-lti-authentication/

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by dtopps.

    If you are feeling really ambitious, you can even connect OpenLabyrinth to a MOOC. The team lead by Andrzej Kononowicz at the Karolinksa Insitute has done some very nice integration within the edX MOOC, where they were supporting a very large number of concurrent users.

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