Monthly Archives: June 2014

Decisions, decisions – an OpenLabyrinth example case

As you saw last week, we are making a group of cases available to help authors to create better cases.

This week we would like to highlight ‘Decisions, decisions‘ – this walks case authors through the important principle of creating meaningful decision points in their cases.

This case is also featured in our series of Examples: – you can also download a zip file example of the case from there.

Example cases for OpenLabyrinth

Extending on the last post, we are gradually making available more and more example cases to show what can be done with OpenLabyrinth.

Because these cases are to be found on many different servers, we have been looking for a way to link to these, along with enough metadata about the cases so that you can find what you need. For the moment, we have decided just to use a simple Google Docs spreadsheet:

Sorry about the messy long link.

On that sheet, you will find direct links to the cases so you can play them. For many of them, there is also a link to Medbiq format zip file so you can download the case for use on your own OpenLabyrinth server.

A more Welcoming case for OpenLabyrinth

At workshops and presentations, we are often asked for good examples and where to learn more about how to write good cases.

We have revamped one of our early cases, the Welcome case, to provide better information about OpenLabyrinth’s new capabilities, where to find help and case examples, VP case libraries etc.

We are working on a better way to make information about case examples available. Suggestions on how we could improve this are most welcome.