A year ago, the Supreme Court of Canada over-ruled a ban on assisted suicide or physician assisted death. They gave the federal government a year to create new legislation. So today would have been the deadline.
This opened up a huge debate but it has been good to see that generally, the debate has remained reasoned, on both sides, with many complex viewpoints brought to light.
On 21 Jan 2016, the federal and provincial governments were granted a four month extension to their deadline, to give them a bit more time to sort things out. (Note that recently, CBC mistakenly stated that the Feb 6th deadline was still in effect but this is not so.)
For local healthcare providers, we created a webinar and some challenging case discussions in OpenLabyrinth. This was presented as part of the CURIOS series of webinars. If anyone is interested in access to these cases to help facilitate discussion around these tricky issues, please contact us.