Setting up LTI authentication

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    OpenLabyrinth supports IMS-LTI authentication so that it can play nice with other LTI applications such as Desire2Learn, Moodle or other major learning tools.

    In this regard, OpenLabyrinth can act as either an LTI Tool Provider or as an LTI Tool Consumer. For more information about this, consult the IMS-LTI documentation but basically it means this. When you are trying to call an OpenLabyrinth Scenario from an LMS like Desire2Learn, the LMS is acting as the Tool Consumer and OpenLabyrinth is called as the Tool Provider.

    OpenLabyrinth can also act as a Tool Consumer and can call an LMS module – in this case, the LMS would act as the Tool Provider. A more practical example is when you launch the CURIOS Video Mashup tool within OpenLabyrinth. In this case, OpenLabyrinth is acting as the Tool Consumer and calls the CURIOS service, using IMS-LTI, as a Tool Provider. This happens seamlessly so most authors are not aware that this is happening.

    For a step-by-step example guide on how to set up an IMS-LTI connection between Desire2Learn and OpenLabyrinth, check out this DOCX file.


    We have also been able to set up LTI connections with Moodle and other applications. It can be a bit quirky getting the various user levels set correctly. While IMS-LTI is a widely adopted protocol, how each vendor implements it can be frustratingly different. It is not quite as standard as we would like.

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