CURIOS Video Mashups

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    We have now properly integrated the CURIOS Video Mashup tool into our OpenLabyrinth server. Check out these notes on how to make best use of this tool.

    The mashups or snippets that are generated can be inserted into a wide variety of content, not just OpenLabyrinth. Rob Buck has created a bunch of short useful guides on how to do this.

    However, to create snippets, you do need a login to the service. The easiest way to do this is through our OpenLabyrinth demo server – request a free trial account here.


    We just found out today the default video that we were using to demonstrate our video mashup tool, the Beatles Twist and Shout clip, has been withdrawn for copyright reasons.

    Kinda surprising on a scrappy black and white 50 year old clip. Oh well.

    Accordingly, we have changed the links in our database to point to one of our own internal videos, where copyright is not an issue. Creative Commons licensed and all that.

    For some others who used the default video and applied annotations and timing points, these will not make sense in the new video. Sorry about that. But we thought that this was better than linking to a dead clip.

    If this causes problems with your existing mashups, please let us know.


    There may be some glitches in service during May 2018 as we transfer servers.

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