Hi welcome to our workshop on Digital Professionalism.
This has been created for learners at the University of Calgary but you are welcome to use it too.
Some of these materials will relate to some resources that we have placed in an OpenLabyrinth virtual scenario here. This scenario is not at all linear – there are various areas you can explore in any order. It is a wee bit easy to get lost, hence the pointers on navigation below.
There will also be some short YouTube segments — we recommend you watch the first two. The others are optional — they provide a wee bit of supplementary material in those topic areas.
A short overview of Digital Professionalism – audio not great but dog surprise was too good to lose.
- A short segment specifically on Reputation issues
- A short segment specifically on Intellectual Property issues
There will be notes on how to best use these resources. You may find that there are less delays on the server if you access these materials ahead of time, rather than everyone doing it just before the workshop scheduled discussion time.,
In the virtual scenario, there are some questions – it helps us to improve these sessions if you answer these accurately. Thanks.
David Topps
Office of Health & Medical Education Scholarship (OHMES)