CURIOS webinars

Our CURIOS webinars continue to bring you engaging content in a highly interactive format.

The next upcoming session can be found here.

Because they are so interactive, with a greater degree of active learning included, we feel that they will be eligible for enhanced CME credits. We are working on a new evidence-informed approach to tracking such participation.

One thing that is important for tracking participation is that you have to login consistently with the same credentials or login details, across the various systems. Once we have our new CME Registration process in place, we hope that this will be largely automated for you.

In the meantime, if you already have a login identity for our demo OpenLabyrinth server, we suggest that you use this continuously for your CURIOS webinars. If you don’t already have such a login, use the form below to signup for one.

[huge_it_forms id=”12″]

For those who do not care about CME credits, you can still access the materials for the CURIOS webinars here.

For future webinars, keep your eye on here: — and the traditional method of registering for these webinars is here.