OpenLabyrinth v3.4 released

Delighted to announce that we released v3.4 of OpenLabyrinth today.

Lots and lots of changes in this one… maybe too many… we are considering putting out a v3.3.3 which had fewer changes.

Those who have been following this blog will be familiar with what we have been working on. We’ll put out a more detailed list of changes on the forum soon. The main things are as follows:

  • xAPI reporting to a LRS
  • H5P widget integration (
  • Turk Talk for chat style small group communications
  • Improved LTI stability

For the latest release, server administrators can pull this from Github. For the rest of us, we always run the latest version of the software on our demo server so if you want to try these things out, contact us for a free trial account.

One thought on “OpenLabyrinth v3.4 released

  1. dtopps Post author

    That was a nice quick update… ask and you shall receiveā€¦ we also have a version 3.3.2 update, which contains everything up until the point where we started adding xAPI capabilities. Thanks, ITRex.


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