Monthly Archives: May 2014

OpenLabyrinth at Medbiq 2014

We will be featuring the latest and greatest new developments in OpenLabyrinth 3.11 at the Medbiq 2014 conference, tomorrow May 19th. (

Come check us out if you’re there.

We’ll be showing:

  • Visual Editor – latest enhancements
  • What you can do with conditional logic
  • Many new input types (Script Concordance, Situational Judgment)
  • Mobile friendly, responsive design
  • Scenario-based learning design
  • New learning analytic capabilities
  • Integration with other systems using OAuth, LDAP, IMS-LTI and ADL-xAPI

Medbiq is devoted to advancing the health professions through data standards… which doesn’t sound very interesting… but the good stuff is in working with others on what you can get various to do when they play nice together.

Updated User Guide

We have been working on making the main User Guide more accessible.

The latest version is here:

This is currently hosted on an Atlassian Confluence wiki. This allows us to have a collaborative space where team members can keep the main documents more up to date. It also allows us to easily create an exportable PDF that you can keep handy on your own machine.

This version supersedes the temp copy that I had posted in my DropBox, that we mentioned previously.