My First Case

How to write your first case in OpenLabyrinth

In principle, writing cases is very simple, especially if you have any experience writing a web page or blog. To help you get started and be more productive right away, we have created a template you can use to get started.

  1. You do need an author account on an OpenLabyrinth server. If you don’t have this already, you can ask for an account on our demo server.
  2. Download a copy of the generic Starter Case template zip file to your own machine.
  3. Login to your author account on your OpenLabyrinth server. You might want to do this in a separate window so you can keep these instructions hand.
  4. On your OpenLabyrinth server, use the menu Labyrinths | Import Medbiquitous MVP
  5. On the next page, select the template file that you downloaded in step #2. Upload it.
  6. On your OpenLabyrinth server, use the menu Labyrinths | My Labyrinths… if you do not see your newly imported template, which should be named something like ‘Generic Starter case for teaching_2’, use the search box on the page to find ‘generic’.
  7. Click on the pale blue [Edit] button for your newly imported case

…and you’re off and running. Now there are various places you can work on when editing.

  • Details – some simple descriptors about your case. You might want to add some notes about what you plan to use this case for.
  • Visual Editor – this is a simple concept mapping tool. We have some simple YouTube videos to help you get started with the basics and also with a few more advanced tips. Remember to save your changes with the ‘Update‘ icon in the top left of the Visual Editor.
  • Node Editor – you can use this to edit a single node or page at a time.

Refer to the User Guide for more tips on editing cases. The easiest place to find this is under the Help menu in your OpenLabyrinth editing page.