We have written before about how to find good OpenLabyrinth case materials. Indeed, some groups have created some pretty sophisticated methods to enable such discovery.
For example, see the ‘Semantic Indexing’ post, featuring the work of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.
But how do most of us search for stuff? Google of course! One simple tip for finding relevant OpenLabyrinth cases is to simply include the word “openlabyrinth+” in your Google search e.g.
openlabyrinth+ chest pain
Adding the “+” sign emphasizes to Google that you really only want hits that include “openlabyrinth”. Because many OpenLabyrinth server admins have left their virtual patient servers open to the search robots, you will get lots of additional case examples that way. I had forgotten about this simple technique and spent a nerdy hour tonight just wandering around some of the stuff that Google dug up.
As well as finding URLs for dozens of active OpenLabyrinth servers around the world that I was not previously aware of, I also found this great YouTube video from Dr Robert Larson at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
He gives a lovely description of how they are using OpenLabyrinth as a teaching tool. We note that they are using quite an old version of OpenLabyrinth but it’s good to see what you can still do with it.